Monday, November 19, 2012


I was really blessed by this message from Chuck Swindoll & wanted to share it with you!
Elevators are weird places, aren't they? Especially crowded ones. 

Years ago, a couple of friends and I were waiting for an elevator. As the doors slid open, I saw that the little space was packed with people whose faces all said, "You guys aren't gonna get in here, are you?" 

Naturally, we did. I was last. 

I felt the door close against my back . . . and everyone stared in my direction at the numbers above my head. After a few seconds of total silence, I smiled big and said loudly, "You might have wondered why we called this meeting!" The place broke open with laughter. It was amazing! People began talking and actually relating . . . on an elevator.

When you stop and think about it, an elevator is a microcosm of our world: an impersonal place where anonymity, isolation, and independence are on display. No involvement, no encouragement. No need to share, reach out, or give a rip. Just watch the numbers and look at nobody. It's almost as if there's a sign over our lives that reads: NO TALKING, NO SMILING, NO TOUCHING, NO EYE CONTACT!

I'm glad Jesus ignored that sign. Aren't you? 

Our Savior modeled how to live—perfectly. He didn't just preach from heaven, keeping a safe distance from us. He came to earth. He literally became one of us. He cared. He listened. He served. He touched lives, supported, and affirmed. He encouraged. He connected. He took time to listen. He walked with people. Jesus never "took the elevator." 

I can't think of a better time than the holidays to take this reminder to heart. We need to throw ourselves into family fun, meaningful mealtimes, and eye-to-eye conversations. But, like Jesus, we need to reach beyond our own circles. 

You can find more inspirational messages like these by visiting 


Stylib38 said...

Hi I'm not sure why but I can't see the whole text from Chuck Swindol you added in the frame. I tried two different browsers- Safari and Dolphin. I thought you'd want to know

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