Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall Entertaining

Check out the Better Homes & Garden web site again this month for some great ideas. Plan a first day of Fall coffee on Tues. Sept. 21st. Invite the moms home from the bus stop for morning coffee and donuts. Or invite folks from your neighborhood over for dessert Pull out your fall decorative leaves and spread them around on your kitchen table and heat up some cider or spice tea. It doesn't have to be fancy. Pick up an apple pie and ice cream from the local grocery store on your way home from work or school. BTW, Trader Joe's has some great molasses spice cookies that go great with tea or coffee or cider.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Nan will be on Family Life Today's national radio broadcast May 3,4, & 5. Go to their web site and click on radio programs and enter your state location and find the local station and time of day for a broadcast in your area. Also on their main site scroll down on the right hand side to where they tell about upcoming broadcasts. There will be a recorded interview with Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine and Nan re. the upcoming broadcast.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March ideas for St. Patrick's Day

I shall never forget a neighbors St. Patrick's Day party. It was simple yet so much fun. Try it; only skip the pagan stuff that's been added to the day.
Share a Patricks faith story with everyone between dinner and dessert. Many versions are on the internet But the main jist of the story tells how at 16 he was forced into slavery. She spent six years herding sheep until he escaped. He eventually returned to Ireland as a missionary and led many to faith Jesus Christ. He used the leaves of the shamrock to explain the meaning of the Trinity (Father, son & Holy Spirit).
Go to my web site for more ideas of what to serve and how to decorate your table.
Here's a St. Patrick quote to share:
"So whatever befalls me, be it good or bad, I should accept it equally and give thanks always to God, who revealed to me that I might trust in Him, implicitly and forever, and Who will encourage me so that....I may dare to undertake so devout and so wonderful a witness to all people to the ends of the earth."

Monday, January 25, 2010


It's time to think about love, hearts and flowers.

Through the years my husband and I have enjoyed having couples over to celebrate Valentines Day. Sometimes we have a speaker on love and marriage. Other times we ask our guests to dust off their wedding albums and bring them along. While we pass them around and brouse through the photos we take turns telling how we first met. It's loads of fun and a great way to get to know each other.

I've had scores of ladie's teas or coffees to celebrate the day of love. The gals love being treated special and the tinkle of pretty china. If the event is at my home, I have a friend share a Gospel talk on "How to Experience Unconditional Love" or if it's at a friend's home then I give the talk. Email me directly and I'll send you a copy of the talk to give you ideas.

Another fun idea for an ice breaker at your event is to go around the room sharing ideas from your most memorable or most enjoyable date. Everyone is always looking for new ideas. Best of hall go to my web site and order a copy of my book: