Sunday, July 19, 2009

Updated Web site

Hey Everybody,
My son Scotty just finished updating my web site Go check out all the great changes he's made.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Book

My book Entertaining for Eternity with Heavenly Hospitality is at the printer now in China. It should be available after Sept. 1st depending on the shipping by sea. Check back then. In the meantime you can pre-order your copy by emailing me at: .

This book is 321 pages, full of color & lots of photos which will give you more ideas of how to use your home in easy ways for all sorts of occasions.


I use Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July or Labor Day to have a pre-evangelism picnic. Have a pot luck where friends bring salads or desserts and you provide the burgers & dogs. Just before everyone goes through the food line I have my husband say, "It's our custom in our home to say a blessing before we eat. Today I'd like to pause and pray not only for our food but also for our nation." Then he prays something appropriate to the holiday or recent news like for our troops in harms way etc. It's loads of fun to mingle and hear how the Lord takes this simple prayer and causes the guests to talk about spiritual things. Who knows what or where the Holy Spirit will take this.
Try this easy way to do pre-evangelism. Kick off the summer with a dessert pot luck on your deck inviting both fully devoted Christians and non-believers to celebrate the start of the summer season. The conversations will flow naturally and what fun to hear non-believers asking questions of your Christian friends.
My neighbor started asking questions of one of my guests and now wants to meet with one of them to find out how to know Christ personally.
Keep the food simple and easy to pick up and eat off plates as they stand around talking. Everyone will enjoy the stimulating evening and be blessed by it.